Quick Facts
- Our school welcomes approximately 290 students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 each year.
- We offer Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten and Early French Immersion.
Our Mission Statement
We will create a safe school where students, staff and members of the community feel valued and welcomed. We strive to help all students experience success through creative purposeful planning that is motivating to students and meets their individual needs. We use best practices to positively impact students’ social, emotional, academic (cognitive) and physical growth.
Interested in registering your child at our school? Contact us or visit the OCDSB Registration page for more information.
About Our School
Severn Avenue Public School is a French Immersion Centre located in the Carling/Pinecrest area. We are proud to be a culturally diverse school. Ours is a school where students want to learn, teachers want to teach, and parents want to send their children. We have wonderful students, families, and a dedicated staff who work tirelessly each day to maximize learning in an environment of mutual respect and shared responsibility. Severn has a “Balanced School Day” schedule aimed at maximizing learning time for our students.
Severn Avenue Public School has a population of approximately 210 students in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6. Most of the students live in the area around the school, west of Pinecrest Road and both north and south of Carling Avenue. Our students speak many languages in addition to English. The rich multicultural community that we serve is reflected in our classrooms, programs and activities, and enriches all of us.
Severn has a dedicated staff working together with students and parents to offer a supportive, positive learning environment for our students. Our teachers work together in teams to plan instruction and activities to help our students learn and grow.
Parents/Guardians and Community
Our community is small but shows support for our school in many ways. Fundraising events such as our Terry Fox Run are well attended. Many community members attend our school to support literacy and math initiatives. A partnership with MASC affords us professional musicians and artists to work with our children. Our dedicated School Council meets monthly; they bring together the school community to strengthen the home-school relationship and to enhance the educational opportunities for our students.
Our school offers:
- Full-day Bilingual Kindergarten (JK-SK): 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction.
- Early French Immersion (Grades 1-6): In grade 1, students receive 80% of instruction in French. In grades 2-6, students receive 60% of instruction in French.
Severn is a French Immersion Centre from JK to Grade 6. We provide ESL support to students who are in the process of acquiring English language skills and Special Education support to those students who require extra support in Language Arts and Math. Our Balanced School Day maximizes instructional time and focuses on balanced nutrition for our students.
English as a Second Language pupils are assessed at the central Family Reception Centre before registering at Severn. Our classroom teachers support our language learners according to their needs. ESL student progress is tracked carefully to provide appropriate instruction.
The Learning Support Teacher provides students support in and out of the classroom and conducts assessment services along with central board staff such as our psychologist, speech and language pathologist and social worker. We meet as a multidisciplinary team on a regular basis.
Clubs and Activities
Our school offers many opportunities to foster student learning such as extracurricular activities, STEM club, Art Club, Kindness/Equity group, sports, and reading club. We have a very active School Council that plans many events such as Movie Nights, Pizza Days, Scientists in Schools and BBQs throughout the year where all are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Severn Avenue Public School offers:
- a large gymnasium and a well-equipped library resource centre
- a large schoolyard with both paved and grassy areas and a play structure, a ball diamond, two soccer fields and basketball courts
- a separate fenced playground for the kindergarten children with an age appropriate play structure
- a Breakfast Club program for students in need of a good start to the day
Our multicultural students find a safe, stimulating environment where an atmosphere of mutual respect for all cultures in Canada is cultivated. We strive to ensure that our school is a welcoming and safe place for students of all identities to feel valued and respected as they engage, learn, grow, explore, and discover.
A strong commitment to Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility is embedded throughout the OCDSB's 2023-2027 Strategic Plan and captured within each area of focus: learning, well-being, and social responsibility.
For more information, please visit the OCDSB’s Equity and Diversity website.
Community Child Care Provider: REKSAP Centre for Early Learning
For information regarding child care options at our school, please visit the REKSAP Centres for Early Learning. They provide a pre-school as well as before and after school program. Subsidized spaces are available.