The library at Severn Avenue Public School strives to provide a vibrant, welcoming environment that promotes learning to meet the needs of the students and school staff while fostering a love of reading and life-long learning.
Despite COVID 19, the library is still an active part of school life in the 2020/2021 school year. Classroom libraries have been created (In both French and English) from a selection of titles available from the library. Every few weeks, these books are exchanged for a new selection. Students provide input as to what is included in the classroom library. Only one student is permitted to handle a book at a time. Once a book has been read, it must then be placed in quarantine for 72 hours before another student is able to borrow it. Severn's library technician has now received permission to go into the classroom to read to the students. Most classes are currently participating in the OLA's Blue Spruce program. (as in previous years)

Character Education
One of the areas of focus at Severn Avenue Public School is character education. Character education involves teaching children about basic human values including honesty, kindness, generosity, courage, freedom, equality and respect. The goal is to help children become morally responsible, self-disciplined citizens. Problem solving, decision making and conflict resolution are also important parts of developing character. In the library, we read a number of picture books that enhance understanding of character education.
Click on the theme below for a selection of books that support each theme:
Acceptance | Cooperation | Fairness | Optimism | Respect |
Appreciation | Empathy | Integrity | Perseverance | Responsibility |
Free Services at the Ottawa Public Library
The Ottawa Public Library offers a variety of wonderful programs for both students and newcomers to Canada at their many branches. Library cards are free for all Ottawa residents. Once you have a card, you can borrow books, movies, music and museum admission passes free of charge, or book up to an hour of computer time on one of their public computers . Be sure to take advantage of some of their amazing children's programs available over the summer months.
There are three branches located in close proximity to our school
Centennial Branch - 3870 Old Richmond Road
Nepean Centrepointe - 101 Centrepointe Drive
Carlingwood Branch - 281 Woodroffe Avenue
All OPL Branches can be reached at (613) 580-2940